
Sunday, March 7, 2021

How to Earn Money From Blogging

 How to Earn Money Online by Starting a Blog

It isn't difficult to start a blog. It's all about generating traffic and turning a profit.


How to Earn Money From Blogging
Earn Money From Blogging

Have you ever considered starting your own blog? Have you ever wondered what it takes to not only start a blog but also to grow it successfully over time in order to Earn money online or generate a passive income? You're obviously not alone. Millions of people try their hand at blogging, but only a small percentage of them ever make a significant profit.

If you're starting a blog to make money and you're not passionate about writing in the first place, you're largely wasting your time. Blogging isn't just a scientific or formulaic endeavor. You'll be frustrated and upset if you don't have a deep passion for your work. What is the reason for this? While starting a blog is relatively simple, generating any semblance of traffic and profiting from your labors is a massive undertaking.

To build an audience or reach mass saturation with your prose, you'll need laser-focus and perseverance. It takes time, as well as long, drawn-out evenings spent burning the midnight oil.

Take my word for it. I can bask in the warm glow of success as a blogger who has built a substantial platform with hundreds of thousands of monthly visitors. However, I can't sit on the freedom and passive income that my blog has provided for too long. Any blog can die if it doesn't keep adding insatiable content.

So, what does it take to start a profitable blog and earn money online? I suppose it depends on how successful you consider yourself and how much money you make. If you're like the millions of other aspiring bloggers out there, you'll have a long road ahead of you.

But if you're willing to put in the time and effort, and if you can stay consistent overtime (and yes, I said years), you can make a significant amount of money online.

In fact, your blog could be one of the best sources of passive income, and if done correctly, it can bring in the right clients and customers regardless of the industry or niche you're in.

How to Start a Blog: Step-by-Step

Okay, if I haven't yet persuaded you, and you're serious about starting the next Mashable, TechCrunch, or whatever another blog you think will be a huge success in your eyes, then here's a step-by-step guide to getting started. The more you plan and prepare, the more likely you are to be successful in the long run.

Pick a Topic

Make certain you know what you're going to write about before you begin. Define a topic or niche and build your entire content strategy around it. This will assist you in not only laser-focusing your writing but also in developing digital products and services to complement your content.

This allows you to draw customers in by luring them in with your informative posts, then luring them in with a lead magnet before dropping them into your sales funnel (more on that shortly).

Select a Platform

While WordPress is by far the most popular blogging platform, there are others to consider, including microblogging platforms like Tumblr,, and even Medium. If you're serious about blogging, however, you'll probably want to use a self-hosted WordPress installation with a custom domain.

While you could set up a blog on with a subdomain like, a self-hosted solution will get you more traction and allow you to use subdomains on popular platforms for content marketing.

Pick a Domain Name

If you're serious about earn money from your blog, you'll need a custom domain name. Find a short but relevant keyword-rich (if possible) domain name that is descriptive of your intended topic, industry, or niche rather than relying on a third-party-hosted subdomain. You can get your domain from BlueHost, HostGator, 1&1 Hosting, or any other number of domain name providers.

If you're concerned about things like SEO, you should consider the following suggestions when choosing a domain name:

v Make use of a well-known top-level domain (TLD)

v Keep the domain name to a maximum of 15 characters.

v Avoid buying a domain name with hyphens, as they're more likely to be associated with spammers.

v When ranking or categorizing posts, avoid using self-hosted subdomains

Find a Good Web Hosting Company

There are numerous good hosting companies available. There are nearly limitless options if you're starting a self-hosted WordPress blog. The most important thing is to do your homework and choose the right one that fits your budget while also ensuring that the service level and uptime guarantee are met.

You'll probably want to start with a Managed WordPress solution or a Virtual Private Server (VPS) and work your way up from there. Once you reach a few thousand daily visitors, you'll probably need a dedicated hosting solution with a CDN (see below).

Cashing and Content Delivery Networks (CDNS)

To ensure that your webpages are delivered quickly, use a system like W3 Total Cache or WP Super Cache and enable browser caching. At first glance, this may not appear to be significant. However, as your business grows and your daily traffic reaches thousands of people, this will become increasingly important. To test things before and after the installation, use Google's Page Speed Insights.

It's also critical that you set up a CDN, which will speed up your content's global delivery. For example, your page might load quickly in the United States, but what happens if someone in Australia tries to view it? CDNs make content delivery ultra-fast by replicating data across multiple repositories around the world.

This is important for the user's experience because most people will abandon a website after waiting even a few seconds for it to load and move on to the next one in the search results. W3 Total Cache integrates with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and MaxCDN, two excellent CDN options.

Enable Permalinks

Before you get started with WordPress, you should enable permalinks, which will give you nice SEO-friendly canonical URLs. Permalinks can be found in the settings > permalinks section of your WordPress admin, and the post name option should be selected.

Install the AMP Plugin

The Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Project is a Google initiative to make a large portion of their content mobile-friendly. With scaled-back JS and minified CSS code, the AMP specification, which you can read more about here helps to thin down a webpage to its basic structural components, resulting in lightning-fast page speeds.

Install Google Analytics

Install Google Analytics

Install Google Analytics to keep track of your blog's progress as it grows. When you're using the URL campaign builder to drop links in social media and other places to figure out where your traffic is coming from, this is a great way to keep track of your results.

Setup Google’s  Webmaster Tools

Anyone serious about making money from their blog should use Google's webmaster tools to see what keywords they're ranking for and any messages that may affect their ability to rank.

You'll be able to submit an XML sitemap and track keyword impressions and click-through rates as well. This is one of the most useful tools for growing your site or blog by analyzing your efforts on a regular basis.

Learn Seo The Right Way

You'll be able to submit an XML sitemap and track keyword impressions and click-through rates as well. This is one of the most useful tools for growing your site or blog by analyzing your efforts on a regular basis. You'll be able to submit an XML sitemap and track keyword impressions and click-through rates as well. This is one of the most useful tools for growing your site or blog by analyzing your efforts on a regular basis.

Regularly Build Useful Content

If you want to be successful with your blog, you'll need to create useful anchor content. It must be interesting, keyword-focused, insightful, original, and well-written. Write for people, not search engines, when creating content. Rather, write content for humans while also paying attention to what search engines want. Simply put, it's a skill that improves with practice over time. It's also critical to publish your content at least once a week.

Signup to an Email Marketing  Platform

Simply put, the best way to make money from your blog is through email marketing. This is, without a doubt, one of the quickest and safest ways to make money from your blog. But first, you must sign up for an email marketing platform such as Aweber, ConvertKit, MailChimp, Constant Contact, InfusionSoft, or any of the other numerous platforms available.

Build a Lead Magnet

Rather than running ads on your blog (which won't make you any money unless you have hundreds of thousands of visitors per day) or engaging in affiliate marketing, you should create a topical lead magnet that will sell a digital product or offer that you create in the back-end if you're serious about marketing anything online. People will be enticed to join your mailing list and provide you with their email address if you offer a lead magnet.

Create a Digital Product and Place Your offers on it.

Email marketing and lead magnets are both intended to aid in the development of an automated sales machine. To do so, however, you'll need a digital product, service, or other types of offer in the backend. You can create a variety of offers or products to lead people up the value chain to your high-ticket sales.

Create a Sales Funnel

Spend some time developing your automated sales funnel. There's a lot that goes into sales funnels, but the basic idea is that your visitors will come to your site after discovering your content, enter your sales funnel via a lead magnet or other tripwire, and then leave. They'll then be taken on a journey with drip-fed messages at a predetermined interval, allowing you to sell your products and services on autopilot.

Get Social

Get Social

Building a blog isn't easy by any stretch of the imagination. You must become social in order to assist you on your path to success. Not only by connecting with other bloggers who are interested in online marketing, but also by sharing and engaging with others on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and others.

Market Your Content

Content marketing is the single most important strategy for building a blog and increasing your visibility on search engines like Google, and it's also my go-to strategy for rocketing up the search rankings on Google's SERPs. Marketing your content is a time-consuming process that entails putting in long, seemingly endless hours to create more useful off-site content that links to your primary anchor content, but it's well worth it.

If done correctly, you can use this single strategy to rank number one on Google's searches for nearly any keyword. There is undoubtedly an art to this, as well as a technical outline and proper execution. In order to market your content, don't try to spam or overstuff keywords in any way.

Content marketing can be done in a variety of ways, including writing articles for or, answering questions on Reddit or Quora, and uploading videos to YouTube or Vimeo, among other things. The point is that all content must be useful in some way. Don't try to get the most bang for your buck by doing the least amount of work. If you want to succeed, you must do the exact opposite.

Monetize Your Content

Let's be honest: starting and maintaining a blog can be expensive. You shouldn't expect to become wealthy overnight. You can, however, take steps along the way to monetize some of your content. Make sure your content is timely, and that your lead magnets assist in funneling people into a sales funnel that will eventually sell your high-ticket items.

Apart from that, you can always generate small amounts of cash flow by doing other things like writing articles that direct people to your courses or audiobooks, or creating video tutorials that lead to the sale of a larger package or system that will help people learn whatever it is that you're really good at it.

There are a variety of ways to monetize your content and make money from your blog, but don't try to cut corners. If you're serious about your long-term results, don't look for a quick buck. If you want to succeed and achieve your goals, you must take action and persevere.

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